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People say there are no jobs.

I confidently tell them that they are just not strategically positioned so that available jobs can find them. Yes – there are so many jobs but the people who can do them have ignorantly hidden their brilliance from the world. So, people suffer and positions are left unfilled.

In 2018, I taught over 250 people how to be strategically positioned to show their brilliance on LinkedIn. For those who have put the strategies I taught to use, the feedback has been overwhelming.

I would like to share those strategies with you too.

What do you have as your headline on LinkedIn? Did you input your current job position, or worse still “searching for opportunities”?

You are hiding your brilliance!

What type of picture do you have on your profile? A blurred selfie with you and your friends/baby/spouse? You are not strategically positioned!

LinkedIn Optimisation for Professionals is the go-to resource that you need to make profitable use of your time on LinkedIn. It contains a step-by-step review of each section on your profile page, and tips for making it attractive to recruiters and prospective clients.

Get the Ebook Here


Author Tolucomms

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