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Mosron Communications Upskilling Programme (MC-UP)

The Mosron Communications Upskilling Programme (MC-UP) is an intensive onsite and virtual business and leadership communications training project. Its mission is to educate, upskill and retool visionary professionals and business executives in Sub-Saharan Africa with modern skills to support their career growth and business expansion plans. The MC-UP is also targeted at public office holders and governmental organisations that desire to leverage digital communication channels for citizen education and engagement.

With the Mosron Communications Upskilling Programme, delivered by a team of public relations and business communications professionals with multi-sectoral experience, our aim is to impact 2,500 entrepreneurs, 1,750 professionals and 750 public office holders over the next five years.

The MC-UP is a project designed to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 4: to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all; and 8: to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. We remain open to discussions with impact driven organisations looking to support the attainment of the SDGs and also drive organizational growth in new markets.

MC-UP for Entrepreneurs

The MCUP for Entrepreneurs stream is a 5-day intensive training for business owners looking to achieve their business objectives by improving their business communications processes and leveraging digital communication channels to drive growth.

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MC-UP for Professionals

The MCUP for Professionals stream is an intensive one -day training for working professionals looking to improve their business communications skills and harness the vast opportunities for career growth available on digital communication channels.

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MC-Internship Program (MCIP)

The Mosron Communications Internship Programme (MCIP) is an intensive in-house scheme designed to be delivered as part of the Graduate Internship Programmes of organisations. Its goal is to help recent graduates understand effective communications in a corporate environment and also become workplace ready.

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