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I came across an interesting article by Ndubuisi Ekekwe on how to improve the results of digital marketing activities. 

What struck me most is the realisation that c-suites can be contractually mandated to use social media platforms – which will most likely be managed by an in-house team.

I’ll write about the significance of this for HRs in a separate post. For now, let me speak to the hearts of Chief Executives, Directors and Managers.

Your names can open doors that your Marketing and Sales staff have been banging on for eons.

With a DM or a comment on a post from you, that prospect who has been difficult to book an appointment with becomes more amenable to our advances.

“So, why did we hire marketing and sales staff if I still have to do it myself?” You hired us to do the legwork. We need you to either help open the door, or close the deal – the money still comes back home.

Richard Branson, Tony O. Elumelu, C.O.NNdubuisi Ekekwe, Toyin F Sanni all have something in common. They bring more to their organisation than their technical competence. They bring their networks.

Bring yours too.


Author Tolucomms

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