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Dear Chief Executives and HR Directors,

Please stop giving non-sales staff target KPIs without equipping them with the necessary tools to succeed.

What is your plan to get better results in 2020, using available online tools?

From your current sales funnel, does it show that your sales and non-sales staff have effectively maximised social media channels to bring in leads?

No, I am not talking of paid adverts on digital platforms.

I am talking of leads generated by an individual’s personal activities on social media.

Are your staff appropriately positioned online to support your corporate brand objectives?

In 2017, while working with a real estate company, I wrote a post on LinkedIn that helped us to generate over 100 qualified leads. It was not an advert.

It did not cost the company a kobo in advert spend.

It was on my personal #LinkedIn page.

Social selling works, and my organisation Mosron Communications would like to teach your staff how to do it.

Are you preparing your Organisational/Departmental Learning Calendar for 2020? Or you are working on a training for your staff during the COVID-19 lockdown?

Let’s work together to help minimise ad spend and increase ROI.


Author Tolucomms

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