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Dear Senior Executive of a service business, what is your LinkedIn marketing strategy?

That is why I pay your salary! If I have to go out myself to get business, then you are not really useful to this organisation!!

Have you heard this before?

Dear boss, that you now have a sales team does not mean that you will not be involved in sales activities.

Sometimes, all your team needs is for your to help open the door, and they will go in to close the deal.

Other times, they may have opened the door and only need for you to come in and close the deal. When your sales team wins, the whole organisation wins.

That is why at the #SocialMediaWeek, I taught extensively on organic B2B marketing and lead generation via LinkedIn.

A couple of weeks ago, I challenged business owners and HR directors not to expect the moon from sales and marketing personnel when they have not been given a spacesuit.

At Mosron Communications, we deliver effective and actionable in-house trainings on #LinkedIn optimisation and marketing, business communications, and social selling.

We are 3 months into 2020. Let’s start a conversation NOW.

Download my slides for the Organic LinkedIn Marketing session.


Author Tolucomms

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