COVID-19 has tested the mettle of the best of us, both corporate and individual. Yet businesses must continue to interact with the public with as little interruption and as much information as needed to keep stakeholders informed.
We have all been required to try out new things, hitherto thought impossible or simply not considered in the realm of things to do. As communications professionals and company executives, COVID-19 has required even more from us – to find creative ways to ensure that the organisation retains or has a consistent positive reputation amongst all stakeholder verticals.
Download the process document and virtual event checklist here
At Mosron Communications, one of our earliest decisions as the pandemic started and waged on was to determine to try out as many creative ideas as our clients would allow. Thankfully, one of the effects for us as a consultancy firm is that COVID-19 brought us the most amazing clients who were definitely willing to try out new ideas. Afterall, we were all adjusting to the demands of a new era.
In May 2020, we organised arguably one of Nigeria\’s first virtual press conferences. Not only was it a massive success, we documented the all the stages – from planning to delivery and post event rounds.
Is your public relations agency struggling with how to deliver a press conference, given the constraints on social gathering because of COVID-19? Is your organisation handling its PR and communications activities, and needs to host a joint press conference to address pending issues?
Or you are even wondering what the need for a Press Conference is, and if it is a worthwhile event?
Download our step-by-step process document on how to host a virtual press conference. It includes a stand-alone printable checklist to help keep your activities on track.